This is a tragedy, and my heart goes out to the father in this incident. But this could have been easily prevented, but not via gun control. The problem we have in this country is a lack of gun safety education. This man broke two of the cardinal laws of gun safety. (1) Treat all firearms as if they are loaded, even when you think they are not. (2) Always know where your firearm is pointed. He likely broke another cardinal law - (3) Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire the weapon.
I just know that this incident will be used as another example of why guns are so evil and should be outlawed. In my humble opinion, we need to do away with anti-gun laws and institute educational requirements instead. Want to buy a firearm? Fine, show evidence that you attended and completed any of the following: (1) NRA Hunter Safety Course, (2) Completion of a Law Enforcement Training (POST) course, or (3) Military training with firearms. I have all three, so that obviously makes me biased.
Youngstown News, 7-year-old boy accidentally shot to death - Newswatch:
'via Blog this'