Thursday, August 18, 2011

Amazing Optical Illusion Video - Think You Have Sharp Eyes?

As an artist, I pay a lot of attention to things like shading and tone. This video is simply amazing!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Revenge and Retribution - Is This What War Has Become?

I remember when wars were theoretically fought by nations. They were about settling border disputes, political issues, and other similar concerns over national security.

But now war has become an excuse for revenge and retribution. Osama bin Laden is finally caught and killed, and the nation celebrates. We grieve when our own soldiers are killed in battle, then go to extraordinary lengths to identify and hunt down the specific person who pulled the trigger?

Nato kill Taliban insurgents responsible for Chinook shooting - Telegraph

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Alien Space Eggs Found In Alaskan Village?

First we had the birds that dropped dead from the sky. Now we have orange "goo" in Alaska, and all we know so far is that they are eggs of some kind... Next someone will cause an intergalactic incident by mistaking the alien ambassadors for caviar.

Mysterious Orange Goo ID'ed As Eggs; Alaskan Village Still Worries : The Two-Way : NPR