Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why Don't We Just Assassinate Assad?

I'm personally against any military involvement in Syria. But if our government insists on the insanity of political interference anyway, I wish they would just go ahead and assassinate the leaders instead of getting us involved in yet another war.

It is not the people that want war. It is the politicians and the corporate world that feeds on war. Leave the Syrian people out of it. Leave our military and more importantly, our taxes out of it. Send in one sniper, take Assad out, save lives.

Report: US Helping Syrian Rebels Arm, Fight:

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Who Invented Email? Not who everyone thinks.

I'm not sure where these guys are getting the idea that they invented email. Look up NAVCOMPARS - Naval Computerized Message Processing And Retrieval System. A fancy name for electronic messages sent much earlier than 1979 when I worked in military telecommunications. PLUS - messages could be categorized by priority and security classification, including full encryption of sensitive materials.

Who Invented Email? Just Ask...Noam Chomsky | Wired Enterprise |

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Moral of the story - Don't try to take dead rodents from a stray cat's mouth.

Why do people do such stupid things and then wonder when they are faced with unexpected consequences?

Plague Confirmed in Oregon Man Bitten by Stray Cat - ABC News:

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cities crack down on homeless: Could it be compassion fatigue? –

Making it illegal to feed the homeless? What are these lawmakers going to do when the day comes and they find themselves in line with all the other people who never thought homelessness would ever happen to them?

Cities crack down on homeless: Could it be compassion fatigue? –

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